Alien Plants


Something about our yard does not grow a garden very well.  We don’t have lush grass, either, just crab grass and goat’s weed.  It does very well with weeds and various plants that seem to seed themselves.  We used to have several lady slippers growing in the woods around our yard.  They have died off over the years.  When we first moved here there was no poison ivy or feverfew.  We now have plenty of both as well as passion fruit and some type of wild grapevines.  We don’t know where they came from.

 These alien plants are very interesting.  We can’t tell if they are some type of herb growing, or if they’re just weeds when they start to sprout.  Se we occasionally let them grow just to see what they are.  This year a new one popped up, just one single plant in the corner of Badona’s flower bed.  It’s really quite pretty.  It has a shiny, purple stem and big leaves.  The flower blossoms are very pretty, light lavender trumpets.  Badona spent one entire evening going through the flower identification book trying to find out what it is.  We were both surprised to find out that we are nurturing jimsomweed, a poisonous plant from the nightshade family.  Isn’t that just like Satan and sin.  Something that looks so attractive can be deadly!